Our Next Show...


Click on the picture above for info about the play

The Table Read for 'Witches Abroad'.


We meet on Monday and Thursday evenings. At the Bullingdon Community Centre
Witches Abroad has now been cast and is well into rehearsals, so it may be less easy to become actively involved, but --
New members are always very welcome to come along and see what they think of us (and to help out of Front of House!) 
drop us a message first to check we'll be there!

What's Next? Our production after Witches Abroad will be Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard. We'll be staging it on 19 t0 22 February, and the casting readthrough will be on Monday 22 November at 19:30.


The Studio Theatre Club is a very friendly adult amateur drama club based in Oxford. We enjoy staging a wide range of plays and we want our audiences to see the best shows possible.

We also meet socially outside rehearsals - for informal parties, meals, pub nights, girls' nights, lads' nights, sitting around the TV watching DVDs, cinema & theatre visits and other stuff.

We rehearse, on Monday and Thursday evenings (19:30 til 21:00ish) at the Bullingdon Community CentreDo EMAIL us first if you are thinking of coming along. 

Once a play's been cast and is well underway, there may be fewer opportunities to be actively involved in the show, but you're still be very welcome to come along and see what you think of us.  There's always another play in planning, and you'll have the chance to hear more about it that way. Feel free to email us to check on current planning.

If you do decide to give us a go, don't forget we'll be asking you to pay your Club Subscription - £30. This helps towards our overheads, including rehearsal/meeting space, insurance - and this web site.

There's some more info about us HERE .


Here's a very quick scamper through some of our shows....


Like everyone else, we spent 2021 at the mercy both of the coronavirus and the government restrictions put in place to control it.  

We'd been rehearsing Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost.  When we started, we had planned to stage it 'normally' but those plans have had to be abandoned as restrictions tightened, or as relaxations were delayed. Eventually, we decided to video as much as we could. In a back garden. Competing with the weather and the environment!

There are links to the footage we shot HERE.